Measure Twice, Wallpaper Once: The Ultimate Measurement Guide

Are you ready to transform your living space with a splash of personality and style? Wallpapering is a fantastic way to breathe new life into your home, and measuring your wall correctly is the first step towards a stunning makeover. Don't worry if you're a beginner; we're here to guide you through the process with easy and friendly tips.

Wall Measuring For Wallpapering

Why Accurate Measurements Matter

Measuring your wall is the foundation of a successful wallpapering project. It ensures that you purchase the right amount of wallpaper, saving you time, money, and frustration. You'll also avoid the headache of running out of wallpaper halfway through the job.

What You'll Need

Before you begin, gather the following supplies:

  1. Tape Measure: A flexible tape measure is your best friend for precise measurements.

  2. Pencil: You'll use this to mark your measurements on the wall.

  3. Paper and Calculator: To jot down and calculate your measurements.

  4. Helper: Having a friend to assist with longer walls can be incredibly helpful.

Step-by-Step Guide to Measuring Your Wall for Wallpapering

In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of measuring your wall for wallpapering, ensuring your home makeover is a success. We've got you covered, get ready to unleash your creativity and transform your living space with confidence.

Measure tape

  1. Prepare the Wall: Remove any existing wallpaper, nails, or hooks. You want a smooth and clean surface to work with.
  2. Measure the Width: Use your tape measure to measure the width of the wall at the widest point. Write down this measurement.
  3. Measure the Height: Next, measure the height from the floor at the lowest point to the ceiling at the highest point. Write this measurement down as well.
  4. Calculate the Area: If the walls are the same height, you can multiply them together. If they are different heights, calculate each wall individually. This will give you the amount of wallpaper you'll need.

    Wall 1 - 180cm width x 220cm height
    Wall 2 - 110cm width x 220cm height
    Wall 3 - 150cm width x 180cm height

    Wall 1 and wall 2 are the same height so width can be combined – (180+110) → 290cm x 220cm; while wall 3 has a different height so calculate separately → 150cm x 180cm. If there was a fourth wall with same height as wall 3, these could be combined the same way as wall 1 and 2 (otherwise write down the measurements separately again).

  6. Find Out How Many Rolls You Need: The easiest way is to use our wallpaper calculator, simply insert measurements (in metres) and our calculator will tell you how many rolls you require to cover the area. You will find the calculator button next to every design, as per the below image.

  7. Where to find wallpaper calculator
    Wallpaper roll calculator

  8. Consider Repeat Patterns: If you are using wallpaper with free pattern match, your work here is done and you are ready to order. But if your chosen wallpaper has a repeating pattern, you'll need to account for this. Measure the pattern repeat and add it to your measurements. Remember to always round up as partial rolls are not available to purchase.
  9. Allow for Extra: It's always a good idea to purchase extra wallpaper for mistakes or future repairs. A 10% buffer should suffice.

Wallpapering can be a fun and rewarding DIY project, and with accurate measurements, you're well on your way to a successful home transformation. Take your time, measure carefully, and let your creativity shine through your chosen wallpaper. Happy decorating!

As always, we would love to see your home transformations, so please don't forget to share your photos and tag us @worldofwallpaperuk on Instagram.

Have a wonderful and inspired day,

Michaela - Online Merchandising Assistant @ World of Wallpaper